Cascoly Books: Military History

Cascoly Books - Military History

  • Pacifism - an important, yet overlooked area of military studies are the various attempts to avoid, replace or abolish war.
  • American Revolution [1775 - 1783]
  • Napoleonic Era [1789-1815]
  • Mexican War

  • American Civil War [1861-1865]
  • World War I [1914-1918]
  • World War II [1939-1945]

  • Keegan's Face of Battle describes of the life of the man on the front lines and is  both shocking and compelling. Covering the battles of Agincourt, Waterloo and the Somme (they all took place within a short distance of each other), he describes the similarities and differences of war thru the ages. I've anxiously awaited each of his following books and have never been disappointed. In Price of Admiralty, he does for naval warfare what he did for the infantry in Face of Battle. Mask of Command studies great commanders throughout history (including Grant and Hitler with Wellington and Alexander begs to be debated and studied).

     A History of Warfare returns to earlier subjects with a commanding description of war thru the centuries. For similar treatments, there's Ferrill's Origins of War.

    The Crusades Through Arab Eyes - Amin Malouf

    War in the Holy Land

    Masters of Ancient Strategy- David Victor Hanson


    How the Renaissance influenced the scientific revolution
  • Cambridge Illustrated Atlas of Warfare
  • Travel - battlefields, military museums, etc
  • Knights & Armor
  • World War II Naval vessels
    Nautical Fiction There are tales of the Vikings, and tales of the industrial wars of the 20th century, but by far the most prolific and interesting stories deal with the Napoleonic era of 1790 - 1815. This is the most popular historical time for tales of the high seas.
  • Men at war Examining the experience of war by individuals

  • Ancient History
  • World History These books [by Braudel, McNeill and others] take a broader view, looking to describe cultural, religious, economic or historical trends over many centuries

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