Mexico City - Zocalo

Despite its reputation as huge smoggy sprawl, Mexico City is well worth a visit of several days - exploring world famous museums, outdoor markets, great walking, easy access to outskirts by metro.


At the center of Mexico City, the famous ZOCALO has lots to see and do in this, the oldest part of Mexico City. This was confirmed early 1970s when archaeologists made one of the country's most important finds: an enormous stone monolith depicting Tlaloc, a god of rain, fertility, and water. He was a moderately easy going god who gave life and sustenance, but he was also feared for his ability to send hail, thunder and lightning, and for being the lord of the powerful element of water. An outdoor museum has been established in of the Templo Mayor, the main temple of the powerful Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, ( For the conquistador era, head to the 17th-century Metropolitan Cathedral, which marks the spot where Hernan Cortés erected the city's first Catholic church.

The 17th-century Museo del Palacio Nacional was built from the ruined stones of the Aztec temple, the palace was erected on the site of the former palaces of Montezuma. Cortés kept his headquarters here. The original building has undergone countless changes in the past four centuries. Today the it contains the offices of the president and the Finance Ministry. The central staircase and mezzanine are decorated with some of Diego Rivera´s most stirring murals, giving a vivid pictorial history of Mexico.

You may see campesinos in their white farmer's homespun, staring at their national history displayed on the main stairway. the "History of Mexico" depicts prominent players in Mexican istory: Aztec and Mayan lords, Spanish conquistadors, Catholic missionaries, pirates, revolutionaries, presidents, and even the odd emperor. Staring at the mural, there's a #D effect as an individual scene comes into focus, then recedes as your eye wanders. Walking further around the mountains seem murals including the famous "Struggle of the Classes" and the "Legend of Quetzalcoatl" with more ingenious perspectives. On the first floor the murals focus on events from pre-Hispanic history. While most of these were painted by Diego Rivera they also include works from several other muralists.

Before leaving the Zocalo, is worth a visit to the Majestic Hotel beside the large square facing the Palacio Nacional.The interior is decorated with azulejo and other glass tiles, and intricate wood carving. Interior carvings. Take the elevator restaurant to the rooftop restauran. when the veranda is open you'll have beautiful views onto the Zocalo with Cathedral on your left side. The restaurant is particularly relaxing for a late morning brunch with the restaurant's chilaquiles a prominent feature. If you're lucky there may even be a band playing below on the Zocalo.


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Mexican Revolution & Independence

While staying at the Hotel Majestic, we had the extra treat of being there when all the bus drivers in the city drove their buses in protest and filled the Zocalo in a show of solidarity for hiogher wages for public workers.The square performs the same function as the Washington DC mall and Lincoln memorial, becoming a focus for demonstrations and protests. While the buses refilling the square another leftist proletariat protest was underway on one of the side streetswith revolutionary literature and speeches.

The giant Mexican flag dominates the center of the immense plaza and i'ts entertaining to watch the team of flag attendants wrestle with the flapping banner when they lower it each evening. Some weeks before the national independence holiday in September bright lights are mounted on every and tricks in the so-called of is ablaze with light in evenings with impromptu music and dancing.


Nearby is the Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico´s principal opera house and home of the National Folkloric Ballet. Even if you do not attend performance be sure to visit to see its world famous murals and several exhibit halls. An architectural masterpiece inside and out, its interiors are a beautiful blend of art nouveau and art deco. The main theater boasts a magnificent Tiffany stained-curtain. The curtain depicts the Valley of México and its two imposing volcanoes, Popocatépetl and Iztacihuatl.

Diego Rivera's stunning and controversial "Man at the Center of the Universe". Rivera was commissioned to paint murals in RockefellerCenter in New York, but the story is that when John Rockefeller saw the completed work, which included a depiction of Lenin, he ordered the work destroyed. Rivera went back to Mexico City and re-created it in the Fine Arts Palace, where the controversy created by Rockefeller has only served to guarantee the work's popularity among international visitors. Here you can also see Rufino Tamayo's "Birth of Our Nation," which interprets pre-hispanic themes with modern techniques.

Protesters with red flags
Protesters with red flags
Protesters with red flags
Protesters with red flags
Protest literature and photos on street,
Protest literature and photos on street,
Protest flag with pictures of Pancho Villa and Che Guevara
Protest flag with pictures of Pancho Villa and Che Guevara
Protest in support of transit strike,
Protest in support of transit strike,
Protesters with red flags
Protesters with red flags
Protest in support of transit strike,
Protest in support of transit strike,
Female protesters with red flags
Female protesters with red flags
Independence Day lights, night traffic
Independence Day lights, night traffic
Independence Day lights, night traffic
Independence Day lights, night traffic
Independence Day lights
Independence Day lights


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