Chronos Timeline: Windows in Time
Reports & Timelines

Last Rev: 4 Jan 2014
Creation -- Christian dating-4004-4004Date of Creation as calculated by Irish theologian James Ussher in 1650 CE.
Great Flood-4000-4000Disastrous floods in Mesopotamia. Source of flood myths in many cultures?
Narmer (Menes)-3100-3100 First Pharaoh of 1st Dynasty, united Upper & Lower Egypt
Cheops (Khufu)-2700-2700builder of great pyramid
Rimush-1379-1379Amenhotep IV (Amenophis) - destroyed old gods & set up Aton as the only god
Monotheism-1370Akkenaten enforces monotheistic Sun worship
Aya-1352-1352 Adviser to Akhnaten, succeeded Tutankhamen
Rameses II-1279-1279
Trojan War-1250-1250 Siege of Troy, described by Homer
Ashurbanipal-668-668Last King of Assyria's period of greatness.
Siddartha-563-563 Gautama, Buddha
Alexander the Great-356-356
Umayyads6616611st Arab dynasty
Shah Jehan15921592 Mogul emperor (1628-58), built the Taj Mahal
1st Bull Run1861First major battle of the warMarch 23
1st Bull Run1861First major battle of the war
WWI19141914World War I
WWII19391939World War II
US - Afghanistan War20012001Longest war in American History
US - Iraq War20032003Started under false claims of WMD

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