Cascoly Books: Turkey, Egypt, Middle East, Balkans<br>Ottoman and Recent History

Cascoly Books - Turkey, Egypt, Middle East, Balkans
Ottoman and Recent History

  • Sarajevo Daily: A City and Its Newspaper Under Siege   From Publishers Weekly: The Sarajevo newspaper Oslobodjenje managed to publish daily throughout the first two years of the Bosnian Serb siege despite intermittent lack of electricity, water and fuel?not to mention the incessant bombardment and sniper fire that accounted for some 6000 deaths in the city in 1992-1993. Artillery shells tore the newspaper building apart floor by floor until it collapsed; the staff then moved to underground rooms originally intended as atomic bomb shelters. Gjelten's account of Oslobodjenje's fight to stay alive is a perfect metaphor of the struggle of a sophisticated European city to retain its multiethnic character even as it is being turned into "a great prison, a place of torture and deprivation." The newspaper's staff represents a genuinely multicultural model of life and work, demonstrating that it was still possible to work together in harmony. Gjelten, who won the George Polk Award for excellence in overseas reporting, has covered the war in the former Yugoslavia for National Public Radio since 1991. 
    From Library Journal: The struggle of the staff of the daily Sarajevo newspaper Oslobodjenje ("Liberation") to continue publishing during the prolonged siege is here presented as a metaphor for the struggles of the entire city. The ethnically mixed staff had always worked well together, and, with few exceptions, continued to do so, despite rising levels of ethnic animosity around them. Publishing a 15th anniversary issue in August 1993 was the goal that kept the staff focused despite their difficulties: newsprint was delivered as humanitarian aid; electricity to run the presses was unreliable, but diesel fuel to run a generator was expensive; when the building was shelled, they moved to the basement. 
  • The Middle East - A brief History of the Last 2,000 Years - Bernard Lewis- From Beginning his history before the rise of Christianity and Islam, Lewis seeks to illuminate the connections between the ancient Middle East and the modern region.
  • The Balkans

  • Balkan Ghosts - A Journey Through History -  Robert Kaplan

    This enthralling and often chilling political travelogue fully deciphers the Balkans' ancient passions and intractable hatreds for outsiders. For as Kaplan travels among the vibrantly-adorned churches and soul-destroying slums of the former Yugoslavia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece, he allows us to see the region's history as a time warp in which Slobodan Milosevic becomes the reincarnation of a fourteenth-century Serbian martyr; Nicolae Ceaucescu is called "Drac," or "the Devil"; and the one-time Soviet Union turns out to be a continuation of the Ottoman Empire.

  • The Balkans - Misha Glenny

  • Rebecca West - Black Lamb & Grey Falcon

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